Why this? Why now?

I have given a great deal of thought to whether or not a blog is right for me. I have been on an amazing journey - some of it very sad, some of it profoundly joyful. Transformation is possible - I know because it is happening with me.

I can't say for sure when it all started, other than it started happening with tremendous regularity upon my 40th birthday. This may be a rather normal occurence - you reach a certain age and start wondering if this is all there is in life. Am I doing what I'm meant to be doing? Are my beliefs real - what are my beliefs exactly?

Here's a smattering of the journey -

I got a divorce and began to discover and explore life from a much different perspective.

I began thinking about my health and researching and reaching out to learn things like: what I should be doing to avoid heart disease. The book, The China Study, changed my life. I am now a vegetarian. This also led me to quit smoking....and finally to stop drinking, too (I don't care what the studies say - just eat the grapes instead).

I have embarked upon an incredible spiritual journey - from a comparative religions class, to studying Ayurvedic living (of which I'm now studying to become an instructor), to learning more about Buddhism, and, as documented here in my blog, an active study of A Course In Miracles.

I am in a place in my life where I finally recognize very consciously that what I put in my mind and in my body is what comes out. As I am reminded most days when listening to Deepak Chopra's soul affirmations, "My body is the garden of my soul."

May I be of vessel of spirit, of loving-compassion.

Yes, I do think a blog is right for me. Thank you for joining me.


Monday, January 2, 2012

Day 366 - Lesson 365

This holy instant would I give to You.  Be You in charge.  For I would follow You, certain that Your direction gives me peace.

I am in deep gratitude and amazed at the synchronicity that today is the final day of one-year's worth of A Course In Miracles Lessons - and it's also the day I honor the Law of Pure Potentiality, the day I facilitate a Sunday Gathering (Active Meditation), and the day I record my Inspired Unalaska radio spots for the week - it's also the first day of the New Year and I completed my Vision Board for 2012 tonight.

Practicing the lessons in A Course In Miracles while also living the Seven Spiritual Laws of Success over the past year was a beautiful immersion in the divine and in experiencing the sacred light that is shining within me.  Tapping into the ancient knowingness has illumined my path in ways I had never imagined.

So, what's up for 2012?  Another year of immersion into the divine!  I will be teaching Primordial Sound Meditation and Perfect Health/Ayurveda regularly.  I will be studying for, participating in, and graduating from the Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga Teacher Training.  I will be setting and charting a course for co-creating a life in which I am able to share, teach, and learn with other like-minded souls - a life in which I am able to serve by using my unique talents as a vessel of Spirit. 

I am open to all that is possible in 2012.  I intend to open my heart to accepting that I am here for a special purpose.  I am going to fulfill that purpose as love intends.  I have learned so much over this past year - and mostly, I've learned, that I know so very little.  However, I am no longer walking around with shield to duck behind or throw out in front of others.  I am better today than I was a year ago today.  I don't take things so personally.  I am less likely to judge or label people, things and experiences in the negative.  I am kinder and gentler with myself.  I feel a sense of bliss, peace, and hope.  My smile is a bit larger and my laugh - heartier.  I am optimistic and I believe, wholeheartedly, in miracles.  I am a miracle.  And all of this has been made possible because I took a leap of faith.  I started practicing the ritual of meditation, of studying a couple of spiritual philosophies, and seeking the wisdom and knowledge of the great masters.....once you dangle your toe in the water, it doesn't take long before you're swimming in the warm, sparkly, abundant pool of Love - of Source.

I have no idea what 2012 is going to bring - other than I know it is going to bring love....and really, that is all that matters.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Day 365 - Lesson 364

This holy instant would I give to You.  Be You in charge.  For I would follow You, certain that Your direction gives me peace.

When I reflect on this past year....this being the last night of 2011, I am astounded by all that has occurred.  Mostly, I am in full on gratitude for the transformation my life has become.

This past year:
  • My youngest daughter moved away from home
  • My life-partner and I attended Seduction of Spirit
  • I was appointed to the board of directors for the community health center, and shortly thereafter elected as board president
  • I became a Chopra Certified Instructor of Perfect Health / Ayurveda
  • I became a Chopra Certified Instructor of Primordial Sound Meditation
  • I bought a house
  • I began a regular 'Sunday Gathering' (where we honor the Law of Pure Potentiality and participate in an Active Meditation)
  • I began teaching Primordial Sound Meditation
  • I developed a three-minute, twice per day, radio program devoted to inspiration
I asked Source to allow me to be a vessel of Spirit in my thoughts and actions.  I asked God to allow me to be immersed in the philosophy of Vedanta and of Love.

I am in deep and abiding gratitude for the blessings and lessons of this year.  I am setting my intentions for 2012 - you can bet they will include being a vessel of Spirit and being immersed in all that is Love.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Day 364 - Lesson 363

This holy instant would I give to You.  Be You in charge.  For I would follow You, certain that Your direction gives me peace.

I completed my enrollment packet for the Seven Spiritual Laws Yoga Teacher Training course today.  It includes eight months of study, pre-tests, two trips to the Chopra Center - one in August and one in November, practical tests and written tests - lots of philosophy, lots of Sanskrit, lots of anatomy.  After my Perfect Health teacher certification, I knew without a doubt that I wanted to get my Primordial Sound Meditation teacher certification.  This wasn't true about the yoga training.  I had to think about it in more depth - it wasn't automatic or natural for me.  I really like yoga, but I was hesitant to sign right on to the teacher training.  I think part of it is because I don't, or didn't, see myself as a yoga instructor - and that made me believe no one else would see me that way either.  Which, of course, they wouldn't if I didn't see it.  However, over the past few weeks that image in my head has changed.  I have embraced the idea that I can be a yoga instructor and now I'm really excited about it.  Plus, I will have achieved certification as a Vedic Master.  This is extra-special to me - I have committed to these certification programs, I've paid for them on my own, I haven't sabotaged my own success, and my life is truly transformed thanks to the lessons I've learned and because I've paid attention along the way.

I am actually following, listening to, and paying active attention to God's direction and there is peace in my heart.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Day 363 - Lesson 362

This holy instant would I give to You.  Be You in charge.  For I would follow You, certain that Your direction gives me peace.

Yes, this lesson repeats itself - beginning with 361 and ending with 365.  It's hard to believe that the year is nearly up.  I was just sitting here reflecting on how I felt today and then started thinking about all the events, feelings, emotions, and transformations over the past year....more on that later this week.

Today, today, today....I was feeling irritable, out-of-sorts, short-tempered, fat, out of shape, even my hair was bugging me.  I actually got a hair cut today; I had several inches cut off.  I like it and it feels good.  It was a beautiful wintry day today.  I was cold all day though - I just couldn't warm up.

I really need to do my vision board.  I know I will feel better when it's done.  I need to clean out some clutter, organize, and get back on track with a good exercise routine.  All of those things combined will help me feel better.

The good news is: I follow love and that brings me peace.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Day 362 - Lesson 361

This holy instant would I give to You.  Be You in charge.  For I would follow You, certain that Your direction gives me peace.

I had an experience today that initially made me want to cry.  It felt painful and I observed my thoughts that went from that old, "Fine, whatever, I don't care" to "Look at this situation with love in your heart."  I did not have an overt reaction.  I silently acknowledged and observed my thoughts and my feelings.  While it wasn't an enjoyable experience, it is progress.  I recognize the importance of not judging my feelings, just feeling them, and knowing that they will pass and move on.  I may still feel some pain and some sadness, but not to the extent that I lash out, withdraw, or create negativity.  I know that I have meditation to thank for this - and this ongoing study (and the other studies I've been consumed with for the past couple of years).  By being consciously aware of love and responding with love, I am honoring this lesson.  More importantly, I am honoring resolution.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Day 361 - Lesson 360

Peace be to me, the holy Son of God.  Peace to my brother, who is one with me.  Let all the world be blessed with peace through us.

This lesson brought me comfort today.  This Christmas holiday was beautiful and also a bit bittersweet.  I had the great pleasure and honor to spend the holiday with incredibly special people in my life.  However, I also reached out to a couple of people that I've lost touch with - hoping that it would kindle a re-connection.  It hasn't.  That makes my heart sad - though I also recognize that relationships ebb and flow, and sometimes they stay and sometimes they go.  I know that sounds kind of corny, but it's true.  This is why this lesson was of such comfort to me.  No matter what is happening, even when my heart is sad, peace still resides there. And the world is blessed....

Monday, December 26, 2011

Day 360 - Lesson 359

God's answer is some form of peace.  All pain is healed; all misery replaced with joy.  All prison doors are opened.  And all sin is understood as merely a mistake.

For some reason that I can't explain, my thoughts have turned to a person who passed away a few months ago - in October.  He died just a short time before his birthday, also in October.  I didn't know this person well and, in fact, he had every reason not to like me much.  I met him in another place and he was the focus of an investigation I was responsible for conducting.  We never really became friends, but we seemed to like to each other.  I moved away, then he moved away, and then we connected on facebook.  On his birthday, I received a facebook reminder to send him a birthday wish.  I opened his page to do that and learned that he had just recently passed away.  He died while commuting to work on his motorcycle in a city famous for wet roads that are heavy with traffic.  I remember staring at his page and my heart breaking for his family.  I have prayed for them every day since.

This situation reminds me that our lives really can change in a mere moment.  I hope that they (his family) turn to God and their pain and misery is turned to joy - that their pain is healed.

I feel so very blessed by this life.  I am blessed that my pain and misery has been healed and turned to joy.